Our largest-scaled feature film to date, The Private details the experiences of a young southern woman (portrayed by actress Ashley Glass) disguising as a man and fighting during the American Civil War for the Confederate States of America.
Inspired by true accounts of hundreds of women who donned men's clothing on both sides, The Private bypasses stereotypical cliches previously seen in Civil War cinema and literature, instead focusing on the harrowing and realistic experiences these women, as soldiers, experienced during the War Between the States.
Production began in early 2017 and is still on-going. Civil War living historians (reenactors) from across Kentuckiana and beyond have taken part in the production. Due to the filming being so reliant on reenactors and their schedules, production has only taken place on weekends. The production team and reenactors have filmed in numerous extreme weather conditions, many of which have slowed or delayed numerous scenes, stretching out the filming schedule.
Additionally, many historical sets have been constructed for the production. Tremendous care and detail have gone into the construction of these sets and historical research has been extensive.
The project is in the final phases of filming and is expected to be wrapped later this year (2019).